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Does Vegan Diet REALLY Work? 24 Hours Vegan - What the Health on Netflix is this true?
OK. Does this Vegan Diet really work? "What the Health" on Netflix brings out so many benefits Chicken....All Vegan Diet for 14 days to see what really happens?? Weighing in 24 hours Vegan Diet and 1st Pictures after 24 Hours....I will weigh in at 6:15 PM every day and pictures as many days as possible. Let's see does this work? IF this does work....then maybe other in our Christian family can benefit from it. They say it costs on average $25 per week per person to do a Vegan Diet. I want to know and if it does work then if I don't document it live then others can say it is a lie. If it works.....and it helps others.....then it is worth humble myself to see.

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